The Top Five Authors I Wish Would Die Already

It sounds cruel, I know, but only dead authors can be part of the Immortal Writers. With that in mind, here are my top five picks for authors I wish were dead, or, more politely, that I wish I could write into the Immortal Writers world.
5. Mary Higgins Clark. Clark is the Agatha Christie of our day. If you're ever looking for a good modern mystery, pick up one of her novels for a thrilling read. My personal favorite is The Cradle Will Fall.
4. Susan Cooper. One of my favorite series growing up was The Dark Is Rising. I loved those books. It would be an honor to write Cooper into the Immortal Writers world.
3. Brandon Mull. Mull writes middle-grade books. I was into the new adult years of my life when I picked up his Fablehaven books, and I adored them. They have a certain magical quality to them that I find enchanting.
2. J.K. Rowling. No surprise there, right? As the author of the world-famous Harry Potter novels, Rowling has proven herself to be a master of storytelling. She's also shown that she's an expert at literary fiction and crime novels in A Casual Vacancy and the stories she writes as Robert Galbraith, as well.
1. Neil Gaiman. I once had the honor of attending a live reading of Gaiman's, and it inspired me to keep writing and to never give up. Gaiman is a true master of writing. I am drawn into every one of his books and graphic novels. Neverwhere has long been a personal favorite, and The Ocean At the End of the Lane is the most perfectly-written novel I've ever read.
What authors would you like to see join the Immortal Writers?
Note: It would be just my luck if some of these authors were to die shortly after I post this. I have no intention of killing anyone off by publishing this list.