Charles Dickens Reacts to Adaptations of A Christmas Carol
Since the Immortal Writers have trusted me with their story, William Shakespeare has also entrusted me to post his and other writers' responses to adaptations of their work, fan fiction, and other material. Here is Charles Dickens' thoughts on the many adaptions of A Christmas Carol. -Jill

We writers are not dead, to begin with.
Many people think that I have been dead as a door-nail for roughly 145 years. But, as young Bowers is pointing out with her novels, we authors are alive and well as Immortal Writers.
I've watched with awe as my novel, A Christmas Carol, has been adapted into over 20 moving pictures, four operas and countless theatre and radio productions. I must admit to being honoured to the attention to this important tale, and to have it last through the years to warm every Scrooge's heart over Christmas-time.
I must award the highest praise to The Muppet Christmas Carol, as it has brought this beautiful story to children everywhere in a delightful medium. Tiny Tim loved to see himself depicted as a frog, though I'm not sure how I feel about being portrayed by Gonzo.
Scrooge wants to be sure I wish you each a happy Christmas, and Tiny Tim wants me to add God's blessings to you, every one.
Happy Christmas!
Charles Dickens